Read 9/11 Never Forget: Love Always Wins, and create your own chalk drawings.
Honor 9/11’s heroes by standing up during another world crisis, COVID-19, and making a mask.
Category: Lesson Plans, Service Lessons
Join students across the country using art to remember 9/11 and inspire others to never forget.
Category: Lesson Plans, Service Lessons
Explore the police response and test your quick response skills.
Learn how others have honored 9/11 and resolve to honor 9/11 with your own service.
Learn about the 9/11 Memorials and create your own.
Learn about 9/11 in NYC and create your own I HEART NY design to honor the city.
Explore the EMT response and learn how to be quick and careful.
Learn about perseverance and take the FDNY Stairclimb Challenge!
This is an excerpt where you get to summarize what the lesson is about. It can be long or short, whatever you want.