Honoring 9/11

This lesson goes along with the Honoring 9/11 Gallery.

Lesson Type(s) Grade(s) Description

Social-Emotional, Service, Social Studies

K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Learn how others have honored 9/11 and resolve to honor 9/11 with your own service.

Activity Prep Materials Heart Badges


Service Card Templates, Pencils, Markers/crayons




EXPLAIN: In the days immediately following 9/11, many people stepped up to honor what had happened on that tragic day. People built makeshift memorials, hosted benefit concerts, and wore American flag gear, among just a few things. In the years since, people have continued to honor the sacrifice and bravery of others that day. We’re going to learn more about how people have chosen to honor 9/11.

VISIT: 9/11 Lesson “Honoring 9/11” Gallery: https://911lesson.org/honoring-911/


  • What was your favorite?
  • What is one that you would like to learn more about?
  • What is one thing that you could do in your house/at school?

EXPLAIN: We get to have this lesson because of a special government program that has made 9/11 not only a day of remembrance, but also a National Day of Service.

DEFINE: Service: the act of doing work or help for someone.

DISCUSS: What service have you done in the past?

EXPLAIN: Today, we’ll explore how we can do service in honor of 9/11.


DISCUSS: What type of service do you think these types of people from 9/11 would want you to do in their honor?

  • A first responder to 9/11 (firefighter, police, EMS)?
  • A real-life superhero?
  • A victim?
  • A survivor?
  • The child of a victim?

EXPLAIN: The attacks of 9/11 were motivated by hate. We can counteract that today and every day into the future with acts of love and care that IGNITE GOOD!

DISCUSS: How do you like to help others?

CREATE: A list of all of the ways kids brainstorm to help between the last two discussions.


  1. Choose at least one act of kindness to do in honor of 9/11.
  2. Color a card to place along with your act of service to let others know your are honoring 9/11 with your act of service.


DISCUSS: How can you continue to honor 9/11 heroes with acts of service throughout the year?