Interactive website teaches children about 9/11
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By Brooke Buckner
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (KFVS) – September 11th is a solemn day in American History.
On the 19th anniversary of 9/11, teachers are trying to explain this part of our relatively recent past to students who were not born at that time.
Now, a Kentucky-based organization is helping educators with the tools to make the learning experience more interactive.
“There are just so many stories that are important for children to be aware of and understand of the things that happened before them that help make their lives better today,” Jan Helson said.
Jan Helson is a co-founder of Global Game Changers, a nonprofit organization that helps young children discover their inner superpower to make the world a better place. Global game changers just launched a new website to help children ages 5 through 10 virtually experience the events of that day.
“There’s lessons, there’s service projects, there’s an animated video that we have,” Helson said. The kids are able to experience EMS and NYPD roles. Brandon Graves said it’s so different for his elementary students to learn about the event this way instead of reading about it in a textbook.
“I think it’s great that it’s not just in the classroom and it really is opened up to family and friends to spark discussion,” Graves said.
He said he encourages his students to use their talents and passions to help serve others and that’s what global game changers represents.
“Your everyday citizens can become heroes and that’s what I want my students to take away. Even if there’s tragic events in their life, they get to show up and be a hero to someone,” Graves said.
“Hopefully it will resonate and they’ll understand not only the history of it but also how it pertains to their lives and how they can continue to make a difference,” Helson said.
The website is free for anyone to use.
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