This lesson goes along with the News Flash Gallery.

Lesson Type(s) | Grade(s) | Description |
Social-Emotional, Arts & Crafts, Service, Social Studies |
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th |
Consider how reporters had to stay calm during 9/11, and create a Calm Down Box. |
Activity Prep | Materials | Heart Badges |
Research items to make to help kids calm down. Choose materials based on your list. |
Calm Down List, Box, Chosen materials |
Rescue |
EXPLAIN: Newscasters often have to work to keep their cool when they are reporting on difficult situations, speaking with people they really agree or disagree with, or reporting from the field.
- Have you ever seen a news reporter reporting from difficult conditions like weather or danger?
- Have you ever seen a news reporter break in with new or startling news?
- How did s/he react in those situations?
EXPLAIN: News reporters try to keep their cool because good news reporters believe it is important to report the truth.
- Listen to me say the same phrase with three emotions.
- Consider which one you believe the most.
- Say the phrase “A cow turned purple yesterday” with three dramatically different emotions.
DISCUSS: Which one did you believe the most? Why?
EXPLAIN: News reporters reporting on 9/11 had to keep their cool while reporting on an event that could have made them mad, scared, or many other emotions. Let’s watch how they reported the news.
VISIT: “News Flash” Gallery on the 9/11 Site:
DISCUSS: What did you observe?
EXPLAIN: Today, we’re going to explore some ways to keep our cool when we’re reporting on difficult situations.
- Turn and talk to a partner about how you calm down during a difficult situation.
- Then share with the class.
EXPLAIN: Today, we are going to make a calm down box to keep in our class for when you experience a tough situation and need to calm down before you talk about it. We will keep strategies in there, as well as tools to help you calm down.
DISCUSS: What should we include in our calm-down box?
OPTIONAL: Review the items included on GGC’s Calm Down list you can make yourself.
CREATE: The calm-down box as a class.
DISCUSS: How can we use our calm down box to make sure we tell the truth and act with respect?
Category: Gallery Lesson Plans, Lesson Plans