Painted by renowned Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra and revealed in 2018, this mural of a fireman in mourning graces a midtown building in New York City. It reflects the bravery of the first responders who lost their lives as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
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Source: Timeout
Photo by: Courtesy Ben Lau (@just_a_spectator)
Honoring 9/11 & New York City, NY Galleries
Engine 343 is the company of 343 firefighters who died on 9/11.
John Cunningham was a college student and volunteer firefighter on 9/11. He ...
The first FDNY battalion chief to enter the North Tower shares what he saw.
Engine 34, Ladder 21 lost most of its members to the tragic events of 9/11.
A team of San Diego firefighters traveled to New York City in the days
In a heartfelt poem named "That Day in September," a former police officer ...
Not only are there 9/11 memorials at the three main crash sites but also
Msgr. John Delendick remembers how difficult it was to be a firefighter
Learn more about the history of the World Trade Center, how it was built,
The Paterson Fire Department jumped into action, crossing the river to help ...
Learn about how the Twin Towers were built to withstand fire, as well as
After 34 years of service, retired Lt. David Lim shares his story with CBS
Paramedic John Episcopo shares his experiences as one of the first
Keith Roma was a member of the New York Fire Patrol and is credited with
This video shows the brave firefighters working to save lives in the
A former Army officer was working as head of corporate security when the
Two former marines put on their uniforms and traveled to New York City
Welles Crowther, who worked as an equity trader, helped get many people out ...
Janice Brooks, who survived the attacks on the World Trade Center, now
Firefighters, police officers, and others who reported for duty at Ground
Many people fleeing the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center became
Sister Cynthia Mahoney returned to Ground Zero to provide free counseling
After Flight 93 was hijacked, at least 4 passengers made the heroic effort
Michael and his co-worker John carried Tina and her wheelchair down from
After the second plane hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center, Brian ...
Frank De Martini and Pablo Ortiz were inside the North Tower of the World
Dr. Bob Horton, whose hospital was the closest to “Ground Zero”,
During the 9/11 attacks, an unnamed EMT was seen rushing toward the burning ...
An essential employee in the Bellevue Hospital pediatric department recalls ...
The call between the hijackers and air traffic controllers allows insight
Demonstrators in Rome carry a banner showing their support of America in
Office Workers in Madrid, Spain, gather to honor the victims of 9/11 by
In France, people gathered in large numbers to observe three minutes of
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat donates blood at Shifa Hospital in Gaza
In Palestine, children attended a candlelight vigil in front of the U.S.
An Israeli woman holds up a sign expressing the solidarity between America
This anti-terrorist rally at Topgol Park in Seoul, condemning the horrific
Protesters in Bhopal, India demonstrated against the 9/11 terrorist
The pain of the 9/11 attacks were felt by many people all around the world, ...
Citizens of Poland pray and light candles in front of the U.S. embassy in
This flag, signed by the crew of United Flight 81, commemorates the first
On the 18th anniversary, family and friends paid tribute to their loved
Even 17 years after, many families of the victims are still in mourning,
From blood drives to the playing of the “Star-Spangled Banner, many
This series of short animations focused on both the stories of people who
Muslim community in New York City, NY, discussing the religious backlash
This helmet belonged to David Halderman, who followed in the footsteps of
This photo reveals a few of the crewmembers who worked tirelessly to clear
As this photo shows, the spotlights were always running in downtown NYC
This moving photo shows what was left of the World Trade Center towers
The construction equipment and crew seen here are part of the cleanup
This altar, built shortly after 9/11, serves as a memorial to those who
This patriotic memorial in the LA Airport focuses on the importance of
This Staten Island memorial, honors the 274 locals who were killed on 9/11
This structure memorializes victims from Westchester; 109 strands form an
Given as a gift of solidarity to the United States, this Russian-made
This memorial in the Three World Foundation Center remembers the American
This statue, located in in Oak Lawn consists of two, 14-foot-tall bronze
The Memoria E Luce memorial, designed by Daniel Libeskind, preserves the
This feature film dramatizes the events of Flight 93 on 9/11, and relied on ...
This 2006 made-for-television movie tells the story of the passengers
This $2 bill belonged to Robert Joseph Gschaar, who was working on the
This pager, belonging to 25-year-old Andrea Lyn Haberman, was found at the
Pictured here are ID cards that were discovered in the debris of Flight 77
This police cap belonged to James Francis Lynch, a 22 year veteran of the
Pictured here is a damaged floor marker from stairway C, floor 102 of the
This burned and tattered American flag was discovered by a cleanup crew
This little red doll was discovered in the rubble of the World Trade Center ...
This pair of heels belonged to Linda Raisch-Lopez, a survivor of the
This American Airlines wings pin was owned by flight attendant Karyn Ramsey.
The Sept. 11th VCF is an organization that helps people who were injured or ...
Every year, Louisville firefighters gather to remember the victims of the
These startling numbers show how many first responders have been lost since ...
Muslim American Mohammad Salman Hamdani rushed to the site in order to help ...
This collection of photos showcases the many struggles that the New York
Inside the 9/11 Memorial and Museum, parts of the Twin Towers are put on display.
Educating children about the events of 9/11 proved to be very challenging.
A day after the events on 9/11, the cover of the New York Post declared the ...
A “day of terror”—the September 12, 2001 front-page of The New York
It wasn’t just dust that settled over downtown New York City after the
After the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, an enormous amount of
The September 11th attacks had a significant impact on the world,
This aerial view of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum shows the original
Flowers and balloons are placed at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York ...
Brooklyn native Jay-Z performs at Madison Square Garden in tribute to the
New York Mets player Pete Alonso donates a pair of custom painted cleats to ...
Painted by renowned Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra, this is a mural
Ten years after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, France memorializes the
The “9/11 Living Memorial Plaza” in Jerusalem honors the 2,983 victims
Firefighters in New Zealand perform the Haka, an ancient Maori war dance,
This Saturday Night Live episode was a tribute to the people of New York,
Kentucky Veterans Cemetery in Radcliff, KY, a memorial pays tribute to the
As part of the 9/11 anniversary commemoration, 6 moments of silence are
September 11, now also known as Patriot Day, was marked by Congress as a
Every year, “The Tribute in Light” pierces the NY skyline to
The “9/11 Salute to Our Heroes at 4th Street Live” concert was
“A Concert of Hope” speakers and performers included such names as
United We Stand: What More Can I Give was a benefit concert led by Michael
A Tribute to Heroes was a 9/11 benefit concert that was broadcast live on
The Concert for New York City took place on October 20, 2001 at Madison
Senator Johnny Isakson reminds the American people why it is important to
In her speech, 8th Grader Taylor Frennete, who was only ten years old when
On the 18th anniversary of 9/11, President Donald Trump, along with the
These clothes belonged to a World Trade Center Security Officer, and were
Steel beams from the World Trade Center were analyzed by the US Department
This enclosurewas created to house emergency vehicles damaged during the
Here you can see twisted beams of steel that used to stand straight as part ...
A portion of rail car #143 that once shuttled passengers between New York
Warner Bros. items were collected from the ruins at the World Trade Center mall.
Members of the St. James New York Fire Department salute at JFK
A New York City Fire Department engine recovered from the World Trade Center.